
Scientific field trials conducted in a variety of conditions clearly show the many benefits of applying Kelpak Liquid Seaweed Extract to nut crops resulting in improved root development, tree heath, nut-set, marketable yields and ultimately a significant return on investment

Kelpak on Almonds

  • Improved health of nursery trees
  • Increased nut weight and quality
  • Increased marketable yield
  • Certified for use in organic crop production
kelpak on almonds

Trials in California show increased yields

x2 trials in california during the 2020 season showed a good return for the grower

Recommended application rates

Bearing trees : 2 - 3 foliar sprays of 2 - 3 pts/Ac, between pink bud and sepal fall (shuck split).

Post harvest spray at 2 pts/Ac with nitrogen application and repeated 14 days later for recovery of heavy bearing trees.

Tree establishment : Dip bare roots of nursery trees in 1 gal Kelpak in 100 gal water solution directly before plant-out. For better tree development apply foliar sprays of 2 pts/Ac with 3 to 4-week intervals during early growth.

Almonds control:

Almonds control

Almonds with Kelpak applied:

Almonds Kelpak

Kelpak on Hazelnuts

  • Better nut retention
  • Increased nut weight and yields
  • Certified for use in organic crop production

Recommended application rates

Spray 2 pts/Ac, 4 weeks after bud break and repeat 3 to 4 weeks later.


Kelpak on Pecans

  • Reduced transplant shock in nursery trees
  • Reduced abiotic stress
  • Excellent pollen germination and elongation
  • Better nut set and retention
  • Increased nut weight and yield
  • Certified for use in organic crop production

Average over 3 years – South Africa

Pecan trials

Recommended application rates

Catkin elongation : Spray 2 - 3 pts/Acre at catkin elongation.

Pistillate flower : Repeat the application, spray 2 - 3 pints/Acre at pistillate flower stage.

Repeat : Repeat 21 days later

Nursery tree establishment : To reduce transplant shock at orchard establishment apply foliar spray of 2 pts/Acre after plant-out.


Kelpak on Pistachio Nuts

  • Reduced transplant shock in nursery trees
  • Reduced abiotic stress
  • Excellent pollen germination and elongation
  • Better nut set and retention
  • Increased nut weight and yield
  • Certified for use in organic crop production
kelpak on pistachios

Over 15 years of trials in California

Trials in California during the 2020 season showed an excellent returns for the grower

Recommended application rates

Sepal fall : Spray 2 - 3 pints/Acre at petal fall.

Early nut develpment : Repeat the application, spray 2 - 3 pints/Acre, 2 - 3 weeks after first application, during early nut development.

Nut fill : Repeat again, spray 2 - 3 pints/Acre, 5 - 6 weeks after the first application, at nut fill.

Nursery tree establishment : To reduce transplant shock at orchard establishment apply foliar spray of 2 pts/Acre after plant-out.

pistachio nut
Almonds Kelpak

Kelpak on Walnuts

  • Improves health of nursery trees
  • Improves the development of new growth in spring
  • Better nut set and retention of bearing trees
  • Better nut yields

Recommended application rates.

Established trees: Apply a minimum of 3 pts/Ac, not more dilute than 3 pts of water,
2 to 3 times between catkin development and receptive pistillate stages.

Tree establishment: Apply 2 pts of a 1% Kelpak solution (2 pts Kelpak in 200 pts water) as a soil drench directly after plant-out, or drench the nursery bag with the solution directly before plant-out. Follow up with foliar sprays of
2 pts Kelpak per 200 pts water (0.25%) with
3 to 4 week intervals during early growth.

Catkin development stage
Pistillate stage