Benefits of Kelpak on Almonds
Field trials conducted in California clearly show the many benefits of applying Kelpak Liquid Seaweed Concentrate to almonds, including:
- Improved health of nursery trees
- Increased nut weight and quality
- Increased marketable yield
- Certified for use in organic crop production
Recommended application rates
Bearing trees : 2 - 3 foliar sprays of 2 - 3 pts/Ac, between pink bud and sepal fall (shuck split).
Post harvest spray at 2 pts/Ac with nitrogen application and repeated 14 days later for recovery of heavy bearing trees.
Tree establishment : Dip bare roots of nursery trees in 1 gal Kelpak in 100 gal water solution directly before plant-out. For better tree development apply foliar sprays of 2 pts/Ac with 3 to 4-week intervals during early growth.
Almonds control:

Almonds with Kelpak applied: