Benefits of Kelpak on Citrus
Kelpak trials on citrus in California show positive yield increases as well as other benefits:
- Improves establishment of nursery trees
- Improves rooting of nursery trees
- Better fruit set and retention
- Improves lateral root development
- Better fruit mass
- Improves new growth in spring
- Improves recovery after harvest
- Better yields
Recommended application rates
Balloon stage: Apply 2 pints per acre
Full bloom: Apply 2 pints per acre at full bloom
Fruit set: Apply 2 pints per acre at fruit set
Pre-fruit drop: Apply 2 pints per acre before fruit-fall
Established trees: 0.2% (26 fl oz/100 gal) foliar spray applied 3 times between white tip to full bloom. Optional 4th application at fruit set
Post harvest spray: 0.2% (26 fl oz/100 gal) with nitrogen application and repeated 14 days later for recovery of heavy fruit bearing
Tree establishment: Apply 1-2 qt of a 1% Kelpak solution (1 gal in 100 gal water) as a soil drench directly after plant or drench the nursery bag with the solution directly before plant-out
For better tree development apply foliar sprays of 2 qts. Kelpak in 250 gal. water with 3 to 4 week intervals during early growth