• potato
Crop information

Benefits of Kelpak on Potatoes

Field trials clearly show the many benefits of applying Kelpak Liquid Seaweed Concentrate to potatoes, including:

  • Improves nutrient uptake
  • Increased stress tolerance during drought
  • Increased tolerance to waterlogged conditions
  • Increases tuber number and size
  • Increases total marketable yield

Recommended application rates

Treat seed potatoes with a 0.5% Kelpak solution before planting.


Spray seed potatoes in plant furrow with planter at a rate of 1 pt/Ac.

Follow up with a Kelpak foliar spray at
3 pts/Ac 21 to 28 days after germination and repeat the foliar application 10 to 14 days later at a rate of 2 pts/Ac.